آخر الأخبار

جاري التحميل ...

English stories

                                                  made by your hands

  there was a carpenter famous man named Ashlee has 

 the ability to build wooden houses Which isolates heat and cold 

  During his business trip, his friend Elbert was earning from his experience,

and He works with him as an assistant

   He works as his friend with perfection they got old Ashlee decided  to stop Their work 

He consulted his worker Elbret and he agreed But Ashlee said to him, 

I want to ask you order Before you finish the world of carpentry

and I will leave you free to choose the design, wood and all the detailsBrett gold is looking at the

 easiest design and not the most beautiful pick the closest wood, not the hardest, and the most durable

He told himself that it is the last job for me why I tire myself? 

It seemed to work without accuracy The ceilings are not very good and the floors are tilted

Nails beats randomly And put the wood panels without checking

 Ashlee was watching him from afar without saying any words 

Although he noticed many errors in implementation

But he did not criticize anything even when he met him and drank tea But tell him,

 saying, "Life is made by our hands,

 every day we are hammering a nail and raising a wall Together, 

we have made many efforts and implemented everything that is

 required of us Today you are following your work for the last time."

Elbert was listening to Ashlee without stopping He thought Ashley

 lowered his worries and remembered

 the journey of his life Elbert continued his work in a hurry 

And his thoughts were gone until after 

the completion of the house Dreaming of rest after 10 years

 effort As a result of his race against time, he completed

 the house in record time But his work was not perfect

The lock was the last detail Elbert accomplished He closed the door of the new house

 and went to Ashlee inhale the air and dreamed of rest after he presented the keys to Ashlee  

Sitting together they drank coffee, and maybe the last time, as usual, Ashlee thank Albert

"Life has taught us that it is made by our hands,

Life is a proven project that needs constant attention And with infinite accuracy,

 especially since time is taking us forward and cannot take us back, right " Ashley said

Ilbert replied, of course, certainly prefer these home keys Ashley gave him the fare

 And he told him that the house is really from the beginning it is yours

  I wanted to make it a surprise for you And let you build yourself a home fit for you

عن الكاتب



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