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قصص انجليزي


John was able to find a friend to have fun with him, learn from him, and study together

Here is William became his friend He moves with him as a shadow They enjoy mutual fulfillment, 

sincerity and love So they became an example for the town boys Which is located near a beautiful 

lakeshores And a magical nature tempts people to wander between their trees, waters, and rocks

Years passed and the two children became young Friendship continued to grow between John and

 William Although John is nervous and irritable But he quickly comes to his senses

While William is calm and deep-sighted Does not neglect his friend, whatever happened The most

 superficial friends differences Which does not penetrate into the hearts Pure white

Therefore, William previously remained to forgive and apologize While John is to blame

and loves to go back to the past Blame and reproach and remind his friend that he forgave him

 this or that And forgive him for his mistakes Because the differences in opinion do not

 spoil friendliness an issue, The path back to solid friendship was always paved

The path back to solid friendship was always paved While the two friends were heading for

 a weekly outing Towards the lake, they both love swimming

During the march intensified the debate between them over their third friend He fell off his 

bike and broke his leg William calls on John and insists that he accompany him on the visit

But John reminds him that his friend Tyler has offended him several times He quarreled with him

With William insisting on blaming his friend for this cruelty and intolerance

John got angry and said to William as if you were lining up against Tyler You represent me as 

my friend While you are my opponent Your emotions and feelings all with Tyler Here William felt

 very distressed He inclined himself to deny his friend the company of many years

He said to him: You are hostile to others, but rather a reason

Frankly, you are nervous and excited, and Tyler's errors are minor to your mistakes

You are the enemy of yourself and everyone's enemy John couldn't hear that

He suddenly stopped walking and turned to his friend And slapped him a strong slap

And slapped him strong slap Then he bent his head and stopped walking, watching his friend's 

reaction After a short time, Nabil put his palm and felt the place of the slap

Then he looked at his friend pain and reproach Then he sat down and wrote on the sand

On the twentieth day of April, my friend John slapped me, slamming the hard one and hurting 

my feelings Then he got up and went alone on his way to the lake

A few minutes later, John followed him walking alone Towards a place they know

William was approaching the lake, removing some of his clothes, to throw himself into the water

And reduces his agitation and anger From the slap he received from the closest people

While his friend John watches him and sees what happens He jumped into the lake and William

 collided with a subterranean rock Lots of water leaked into his belly and nearly drowned

John ran toward him with amazing speed as he saw his friend drown His hands up and his head 

floats for a moment and drowns moments With all his clothes, John threw himself in the lake

He seemed to help his drowning friend with great difficulty He held it slightly up and screamed

 at him breathing in a dark Take the water out of your stomach, do not be afraid to open your 

eyes It is only moments until the drowning lay on the bank of the lake and John helps him and 

takes care of him William realized that a little while ago he now miraculously saved his life

 and recovered his breath He walked to a nearby rock and sat on top of it to warm the sun

While John was watching him from afar He saw a handle of a piece of iron with which he could

 dig into the rock And he was writing something John approaches him and reads what his friend 

dug in the rock Today, on the 20th of April, my friend John did a great favor

It saved my life from death John was astonished by what he saw

He gathered his strength and asked him in a calm voice

Why did you register my slapping on the sand and digging my service on the rock even though

 it is part of my duty William looked at John and said the abuse offended the wind and the 

the effect was quickly erased As for the goodness and kindness, it will remain immortal for life

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